Getting the Best Water Movement Shot

The you go down to the beach you might see manny dogs running or swimming in the sea and this can make a great photograph. In Cornwall I find the best beach to get photographs of dogs in the water is Gwithian Beach. This can be the best place as in the sand dunes near to the Godrevy Cafe there are a range of pools. Each pool is not too deep and at many time can be walked through, this makes it great to getting running shots within the water.
I find that the best shot is taken when you are also in the water. When I'm doing this I will normally wear jeans that I don't mind getting wet (as you might get splashed) and a pair of good wellies. I will try and get a low as possible and then take the photographs. Depending on your dog you might need a helper or two to get the dogs to move past you. For this shoot I used my own dogs and had my mum and dad to help me. I can my dad to through a stone stone in one direction and then call my dog towards him. This got him running without anything in his mouth. Another method is too have one person at one end with the dogs and then the other to start running away in from the camera and as the dogs start running take the photos. But my preferred method that always works is to through their toy away from the camera and then call the dogs towards you.
So when doing a shoot similar to this remember that you might need a helper of two and some toys. You also need to find the right beach with not too many people so that the dog does not get distracted. Hope your shoots go well and feel free to contact me if you need anymore advise or would like a shoot with me.,