Getting the Best Water Shake
Once again I look at photographing dogs on a beach/in the water. This time I will be focusing on how to get the best photograph of a dog shaking, in and out of the water. I find that this can be a difficult thing to capture as you never known when they are going to shake, and even if you do the photograph can look staged.

To get the best photograph I find that it is easier if you just have your camera on you when down the beach and then find the dog you want to photograph, be it your own or someone else's. Focus on that dog and follow it with your lens, when it comes out the water get ready to press the button and as soon as it starts to shake keep your finger on the button and take as many photos as you can, hopefully one will be what you want. Keep doing this and you will get at least one great photograph.
I am lucky as one of my dogs will always shake when he's gets out of the water so I know when to point the camera on him. He also duck dives and normally shakes once he's finished. So if you can find a dog similar to this then go for it as thats the best way to get the photograph.

So don't forget when you on the beach taking photographs, keep your camera out and follow the do everywhere you never know when they will shake. You also need to be patient as you will end up taking many shots and only have one or two photographs to show at the end.